Document, Digital Asset, Collaboration and Web Content Management
The Collaborator Platforms are fully integrated with all its component. The Collaborator Platform support different document formats. The Collaborator Platform support the publication of documents. The Collaborator Platform have compression/decompression capabilities
Document Management
The Collaborator Platform assign a document and folder to a Custodian. The Collaborator Platform can change the Custodian of a document or folder by an authorised user. The Collaborator Platform provide multiple levels of nested folders. The Collaborator Platform allow/provide for the drag and drop of documents into folders.
The Collaborator Platform allow many-to-many cross-references and relationships between:
Different documents
Documents and Taxonomies
Folders in the Documents
The Collaborator Platform link a document with another document by applying a linking rule or creating a manual link. The Collaborator Platform re-order the pages of a document by dragging “thumbnail” views of pages into the required position by an authorised user. The changed document may become a new version of the same document. The Collaborator Platform make provision for opening of documents in its native applications. The MIME type of the document will allow opening of the document in the native application through the browser.
The Collaborator Platform provide a framework for:
The Collaborator Platform provide advanced access/permissions allocation, to allow internal and external solution members/groups. The Collaborator Platform collaboration component allow overriding of the access specification of documents/records in the repository while used in a collaboration environment (e.g. a user may not have access to a document but when the user has to perform a task on the document, the user will have access to the document while the task is still outstanding.). The Collaborator Platform provide a customisable project calendar that includes day, week, month, etc. views. The Collaborator Platform integrate with other electronic calendars. The Collaborator Platform have the capability to send messages and notifications to team members.
The Collaborator Platform provide a user interface in the form of an in-box for message processing/tasking. The Collaborator Platform provide discussion threads on various topics allowing either whole team or sub-teams to contribute. The Collaborator Platform have the capability of sub-categorisation and index tree views for managing project documents. The Collaborator Platform provide real time whiteboard/conferencing capability. The Collaborator Platform provide tracking and performance reporting. The Collaborator Platform allow check-in and check-out for collaborative content creation/editing. The Collaborator Platform create and manage personal and group To-Do items. The Collaborator Platform delegate, accept and decline To-Do items between users. The Collaborator Platform have the option to show To-Do items in calendar view and persistently show such entries in every consecutive calendar day until the item is completed, delegated or deleted.
Do The Collaborator Platforms in this section integrate with e-mail applications.
The Collaborator Platform automatically capture and store:
E-mail messages only
E-mail attachments as documents separate from the e-mail
E-mail messages and attachments
The Collaborator Platform integrate with fax applications. The Collaborator Platform automatically capture and store faxes. The Collaborator Platform provide for off-line working/brief-casing/attaché.
Check-in / Check-out
The Collaborator Platform have document check-in and check-out capabilities. The Collaborator Platform prevent the check-in of documents by unauthorised users. The Collaborator Platform prevent the check-out of documents by unauthorised users. The Collaborator Platform notify a user attempting to view or check-out a document if it is being modified by another user. The Collaborator Platform automatically check-in and synchronize documents that were checked-out for off-line working. The Collaborator Platform automatically perform a scan for possible viruses before check-in of a document.
Revision Control
The Collaborator Platform provide automatic revision control of a document. The Collaborator Platform provide versions when a revision is published. The Collaborator Platform allow for an unlimited number of revisions to be kept. The Collaborator Platform allow document tracking by revision number. The Collaborator Platform present the most recent revision of a document when a document is retrieved
The Collaborator Platform allow an authorised user to retrieve/view archived revisions of documents that have multiple revisions. When a document type is received that is already in a folder, The Collaborator Platform optionally ask the “custodian” of the folder for permission to supersede. The Collaborator Platform does not allow older revisions of a document to be deleted. The Collaborator Platform provide notification to the necessary pre-defined users or groups when a new revision has been created. The Collaborator Platform provide for automatic revision control and manual overriding of the default revision, with an audit trial.
Document Access
The Collaborator Platform control access to a document based on metadata values. The Collaborator Platform support user rights by role, job description and responsibility. The Collaborator Platform support security classifications on selected documents and processes. The Collaborator Platform provide the functionality to classify or declassify a document. The Collaborator Platform provide security on document content/paragraph level.
Form Integration
The Collaborator Platform provide customisation of the profile form with regards to the:
Look and feel of the form
User-defined fields on the form
The Collaborator Platform provide meta data indexing. The Collaborator Platform provide batch metadata editing capability. The Collaborator Platform automatically assign values to fields on the form. The Collaborator Platform allow for overriding automatically assigned values to fields on the form. The Collaborator Platform provide drop-down lists to speed up index field entries.
The Collaborator Platform automatically assign indexes based on content in a document or e-form. The Collaborator Platform prevent pre-defined/specified index fields of documents to be amended or deleted after or during the indexing process. The Collaborator Platform allow an authorised user to re-assign a document to a different document type and automatically fill the indexes with new index values. The Collaborator Platform provide integrity over the simultaneous updating of a document, including annotations and new versions.
Audit Trail
The Collaborator Platform provide audit trail capability. The Collaborator Platform record every action taken on a document or folder.
The Collaborator Platform provide the capability to annotate a document without changing the integrity of the underlying document. The Collaborator Platform provide for different types of annotations. The Collaborator Platform have the capability to do annotations on different document formats. The Collaborator Platform provide an audit trail on annotations. The Collaborator Platform access control on annotations to be inherited from the document. The Collaborator Platform allow access control on annotations to be from the access control of the document. The Collaborator Platform have the capability to manage and maintain annotation separately from the document. The Collaborator Platform search for a value in an annotation. The Collaborator Platform provide review and comment capabilities for a document as an annotation.
Copying, Viewing and Printing
The Collaborator Platform make provision for viewing of documents via a viewer. The Collaborator Platform make provision for thumbnail views of documents by all modules. The Collaborator Platform viewer support different document formats. The Collaborator Platform allow viewing and modification of a document by automatically launching the native application. The Collaborator Platform print images, text and annotations individually or in combination.
Search and Retrieval
The Collaborator Platform capable of doing searching on:
Index data/metadata
Full text (i.e. content within a document)
Multi-media specific properties
A combination of text and indexed data
Any combinations of metadata fields
Any combination of text and metadata
Any combination of text and images
Content of notes and annotations
Audit trail data
E-mails and attachments
The Collaborator Platform capable of doing the following search:
Wild card
Within search results
The Collaborator Platform provide the number of hits, according to the search criteria. The Collaborator Platform provide an indication of the relevancy to the search criteria. The Collaborator Platform display document metadata in a search viewer. The Collaborator Platform support advanced search and retrieval query languages.