Business Process Management (Workflow)
The Collaborator Platform support for exporting and importing of XML data. The Collaborator Platform support industry interoperability standards.
The Collaborator Platform support the usage (integration) of standard e-mail systems.
The Collaborator Platform provide the following workflow types:
Ad-hoc routing
Rules-based workflow
Role-based workflow
Sequential workflow
Parallel workflow – multi-step
Loop back
The Collaborator Platform supports Forms (electronic) processing. The Collaborator Platform supports Collaborative processing. The Collaborator Platform supports Administrative processing. The Collaborator Platform supports Production processing. The Collaborator Platform support all types of objects contained in databases as work items to be processed, including video and audio.
Workflow Design
The Collaborator Platform have a graphical design to develop the workflow/processes. The workflow/process be simulated prior to implementation. The Collaborator Platform provide design aids used to develop workflow/processes. The Collaborator Platform provide for user-customised Help on the workflow designer. The Collaborator Platform provide wizard assistance on the workflow designer. The Collaborator Platform provide tutorial capabilities, e.g. Q&A, to workflow designers. The workflow processes stored in a separate workflow library. The workflow processes be stored in the document management database.
Workflow Audit Trail
The Collaborator Platform provide a complete audit trail of workflow process instances
Substantiate how and where the audit trail is logged.
Substantiate how logged audit trail information can be retrieved and viewed.
The workflow audit trail integrates with audit trails of other components. The Collaborator Platform provide audit reports on workflow processes. The Collaborator Platform allow version control of workflow processes. The Collaborator Platform can revert to a previous version of a workflow definition. The Collaborator Platform track all changes made to a workflow process during the design phase.
Workflow Indexing
The Collaborator Platform provide standard metadata fields for workflow profiling. The Collaborator Platform provide a customisable profile form for indexing of workflow processes.
The Collaborator Platform provide for the customisation of the profile form with regards to the:
Look and feel of the profile form
User-defined fields on the profile form
The Collaborator Platform provide user configurable workflow/approval processes with alarms and escalations. The Collaborator Platform provide a single user interface that controls/displays workflow processes regardless of the number of workflow engines or client applications involved, i.e. common In-Box (work list handler). The Collaborator Platform have the ability for authorised users to force deviation of a process from its normal flow, e.g. to prioritise or suspend a workflow process. The Collaborator Platform provide for calendaring and scheduling capabilities. The Collaborator Platform accommodate, and automatically consider, non-business days for process flows. The Collaborator Platform can reject a workflow step and flow back to the previous step.
The Collaborator Platform make provision for a graphical view, down to user level, when participating in a workflow process. The Collaborator Platform include the document metadata information in notifications. The Collaborator Platform provide a reference capability when a document is attached in a workflow process. The Collaborator Platform allow dynamic alterations by authorised users to a process definition from the run-time operational environment. The Collaborator Platform can define specific users to manage an activity. The Collaborator Platform can define a role within an activity and assign users to the role. The Collaborator Platform can mark a set of activities as an atomic unit, which must be executed in entirety to allow the process instance to be continued or “rolled back” to a restart point. The Collaborator Platform can specify a deadline by which an activity must be completed. The Collaborator Platform can specify process or activity pre-conditions and post-conditions that may include testing of system variables, such as date or time, or an external event of some kind.
The Collaborator Platform can specify conditional and unconditional transition conditions. The Collaborator Platform allow users to customise their In-Box, i.e. My In-Box. The Collaborator Platform support multiple In-Boxes for each user based on the type of work. The Collaborator Platform support different types of In-Boxes (e.g. user participant, common or group In-Box, and holding queue/In-Box). The Collaborator Platform display the entire list of work items in an In-Box and allow selection of the items to be worked on. The Collaborator Platform display alerts and notifications in the same In-Box as the work list. The Collaborator Platform route alerts and notifications to another MAPI-compliant In-Box. The Collaborator Platform allow work items to be marked with different priorities, e.g. urgent. The Collaborator Platform can schedule work items in an In-Box for work at a later time.The Collaborator Platform can sort work items in an In-Box based on specified business rules.
The Collaborator Platform route an e-form directly to a specified In-Box (or boxes) based on the type of e-form. The Collaborator Platform automatically route a scanned or captured record to the custodian of its associated file/record. The Collaborator Platform automatically route a captured document to a common In-Box. The Collaborator Platform allow an authorised user to re-route a work item to another user
The Collaborator Platform allow an authorised user to re-route a work item from a common In-Box to him/her self. The Collaborator Platform automatically re-route work items to another user according to delegation rules. The Collaborator Platform automatically re-route work items to another user according to escalation rules. The Collaborator Platform automatically purge a work item from a holding queue/In-Box after escalation of such work item. The Collaborator Platform provide load balancing and work allocation facilities
Substantiate how.
The Collaborator Platform support event driven workflow rules. The Collaborator Platform attach instructions or comments to a work item when routing from one user participant to another. The Collaborator Platform support automatic iterative execution of activity instances. The Collaborator Platform can suspend a process/activity. The Collaborator Platform can restart a suspended process/activity. The Collaborator Platform can track suspended process/activity instances. The Collaborator Platform allow authorised users to request the commencement of a process/activity instance after suspension. The Collaborator Platform support the defining of a deadline of a process/activity instance. The Collaborator Platform automatically initiate an escalation procedure if a deadline is not met. The Collaborator Platform can configure a user’s alerts and notifications. The Collaborator Platform can automatically send out a notification at the completion of a process/activity instance. The Collaborator Platform automatically change the values of metadata attributes, i.e. status, of a record/file. The Collaborator Platform automatically initiate a process/activity instance on the same day (date) each week, month or quarter. The Collaborator Platform track and report on incomplete processes. The Collaborator Platform prevent the automatic initiation of a “triggered” process/activity instance if an alternative process/activity instance is initiated by a user participant
The Collaborator Platform support real-time workflow monitoring.
Workflow Administration
The Collaborator Platform provide a single administrative interface. The Collaborator Platform track alerts for missed deadlines. The Collaborator Platform trace the history of a process instance. The Collaborator Platform allow the change of the operational status of processes or activities. The Collaborator Platform track the termination of process instances. Substantiate how integrity is maintained. The Collaborator Platform allow a version of a process definition to be disabled or enabled. The Collaborator Platform report on any process/activity instance. The Collaborator Platform display the status of any process/activity instance. The Collaborator Platform keep track of usage statistics for each user participant.
The Collaborator Platform integrate with imaging components. The Collaborator Platform integrate with fax server facilities. The Collaborator Platform integrate with digital certificate authority systems. The Collaborator Platform seamlessly integrate with messaging systems.
List types of messaging systems and substantiate the integration with:
The Collaborator Platform invoke directory services operations to verify, find, query or browse addressee information. The Collaborator Platform integrate with other workflow engines. The Collaborator Platform receive status information and the results of the enactment of a process definition from other workflow engines. The Collaborator Platform invoke external application tools and pass appropriate data to that application. The Collaborator Platform insert data directly into an external database. The Collaborator Platform allow invoked applications to manipulate workflow application data.