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The Collaborator Platform consists of the following components:

  • Windows Server Operating System

  • SQL Server Database

  • SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

  • SQL Server Integration Services

  • Microsoft SharePoint

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Microsoft Office

  • Adobe Acrobat Professional

  • Dynamic PDF Forms

  • Collaborator Software

  • Kofax


User Interface: The Collaborator Platform user interface is consistent with Microsoft SharePoint. Multilingual support: The Collaborator Platform provide multilingual support across all components. Spell Check: The Collaborator Platform can do spell checking via browser. All the components of the platform are browser based. Messages: The Collaborator Platform produce error messages which are meaningful and appropriate, and offer immediate prompts for actions to resolve the error. Help: The Collaborator Platform provide context sensitive Help functionality on all components. Solution Help: The Collaborator Platforms of the offered solution provide for user-customisable Help at all levels, e.g. System, Module, Screen and Field.


The Collaborator Platform support the following open standards:

  • XML

  • JAVA

  • HTML

  • SSL

  • LDAP

  • CSS

  • WebDav

  • WAP

  • JavaScript


The Collaborator Platform support X509.3 certification for authentication. The Collaborator Platform comply with ISO 17799 (Information Security Management).


The Collaborator Platform provides encryption functions. The encryption is compliant with the ECT Act. 


Where a document/record in encrypted form has been transmitted by, or captured from, a software application that interfaces with the solution, The Collaborator Platform keep as metadata with that record:

  • The fact that the transmission was encrypted

  • The fact that it was captured as encrypted

  • The type of algorithm

  • The level of encryption used


With regards to encryption The Collaborator Platform provide:

  • Selective encryption of documents e.g. on disk

  • A plug-in encryption algorithm

  • Encrypted password storage and transmission

  • Encryption techniques to provide a non-repudiation function for classified documents

  • Interfacing with a corporate PKI


The Collaborator Platform allow for controlled decrypting of encrypted files after an elapsed time .

System Access & Security

The Collaborator Platform provide for the following basic security features:

  • User identification by means of user ID and passwords

  • Ability to set a pre-determined password retention period

  • Facility to force a user to change the password

  • Ability to set a limitation on password re-use      

  • Ability to lock an account after a pre-determined number of unsuccessful log-on attempts

  • Access control to ensure secure sign-on through user profiles

  • Use the same password as the network password


The Collaborator Platform provide single log-on to all components within the proposed solution. The Collaborator Platform provide single log-off from all components within the solution. The Collaborator Platform automatically log the user off after a user-defined period of inactivity. The Collaborator Platform support multiple users on the same workstation without compromising any user security. The Collaborator Platform provide a detailed system error log or messaging service. 


The Collaborator Platform provide system integrity by:

  • Automatically suspending a user session either after predetermined unattended time or upon user activation

  • Configuring to lock-out a user account after a predefined number of failed authentication attempts

  • Configuring to lock-out a user account after a predefined number of days of non-system use

  • Protecting the solution from being infected and further distribute viruses.


The solution protects system software components from inadvertent and/or malicious attacks that are aimed at reducing or denying the system to operate as designed. The Collaborator Platform can prevent unauthorised actions e.g. sign-on facility, profiles, access control etc. The Collaborator Platform provide for user-defined alarms e.g. warning messages to the supervisor etc. The Collaborator Platform support legacy security APIs.

User Access

The Collaborator Platform allow:

  • New users to be defined and identified

  • Existing users to be marked as inactive, with the effect of barring that user from subsequent entry to the solution

  • Existing users to be deleted by an Administrator at any time


The Collaborator Platform assign a user to multiple user-groups or roles. The Collaborator Platform provide the capability to define and change/update different groups of users and access criteria. The Collaborator Platform control access to records (and links) based on groups as well as individuals meeting the access criterion/criteria (Incorporating roles/profiles). The Collaborator Platform control access to audit functions based upon user account information. The Collaborator Platform provide security controls on both an individual user and user-group (role) basis. The Collaborator Platform support security classification for users. The Collaborator Platform provide controlled access to a Document or Record or parts thereof based on an individual user and/or user-group role.


The Collaborator Platform allow a user to be a member of more than one user-group. The Collaborator Platform provide different levels of access based on an individual user and/or user-group role basis, e.g., view, view a list, print, fax, delete, modify index. The Collaborator Platform require the definition of a user profile for each user. The Collaborator Platform enable a security category to be inherited from a role. The Collaborator Platform support the definition of a set of user roles, which controls the assignment of rights to specific functions or groups of functions. The Collaborator Platform ensure that all users are allocated to one or more user role(s). The Collaborator Platform can limit access to system functions and facilities, so that all users will only be able to carry out those functions which are permitted by the user role(s) to which they have been allocated.


The Collaborator Platform provide an Authorisation (Access Control) service with the capability to establish individual accounts for each user, with access enforcement (authorisation) mechanisms to every element of the solution, i.e. application and network; enforcement of user rights to create, modifying and viewing at document level; enforcement of user rights to execute a process in Workflow. The Collaborator Platform maintain authorisation profiles/policies on an individual (user) and group basis. The Collaborator Platform provide user role-based system menu appearance so that users are unaware of system functions that are unavailable due to security profiling.


The Collaborator Platform provide security profiles to define the mandate of different users e.g. may register other users, may create databases. The Collaborator Platform provide the functionality to allocate database access rights in order to define the data a user may access, the actions a user can take e.g. read, write, etc.

The Collaborator Platform provide mechanisms to apply control over objects within the database. The Collaborator Platform provide for the security classification of data. The Collaborator Platform provide for the automatic management of security classification with retention periods. The Collaborator Platform provide access control measures to facilitate change control on modelled processes. 



The Collaborator Platform provide a menu driven utility to manage the following: 

  • Users

  • User Groups

  • Control access to data and computing resources


The following permissions can be set:

  • On each document explicitly

  • On a set of documents, through a batch process

  • Through inheritance (creator)

  • Access levels to documents/records


The Collaborator Platform ensure that all retrieval operations are consistent with all access control restrictions, so that an unauthorized user cannot access documents or records by use of an advanced search and retrieval mechanism. The Collaborator Platform provide security features for structuring databases/partitions (logical and physical) according to user requirements and policy. The Collaborator Platform provide for the display of the security classification and level. The Collaborator Platform provide the facility to include the display and printing of the security classification during viewing and printing. The Collaborator Platform can maintain security domains of other databases. 


The Collaborator Platform have the facility(ies) to provide or deny access to the following:

  • Per database/repository

  • Per field

  • Per record type

  • Selected areas of information/document/records

  • Per solution function (e.g. to view, but not to print)

Directory Services

The Collaborator Platform fully support Active Directory Services (including Azure AD). The Collaborator Platform provide a public directory store for storing system related configuration and user information. The Collaborator Platform provide a personal directory service manageable by the creator/owner to store personal information. What functionality The Collaborator Platform provide for public and/or personal directory services. The Collaborator Platform enable real-time interfaces with external directory services. The Collaborator Platform have its own directory service. The Collaborator Platform enable replication on all or part of the directory store across multiple servers. The Collaborator Platform provide different levels of authentication between client and server to enforce authentication to both the system network and the application. 

Virus Protection

The Collaborator Platform integrate with standard virus detection and protection solutions. The Collaborator Platform provide for virus protection for the encrypted files when capturing documents/records. The Collaborator Platform provide for virus protection for the macros when capturing documents/records.


The Collaborator Platform provide data integrity checks for tamper proofing. The Collaborator Platform provide data integrity checks for data corruption detection. 


The Collaborator Platform provide for a configurable audit trail for the following:

  • Any actions done regarding profile maintenance

  • Any logon attempts to the system (success or failure)

  • Selective user actions on system


The Collaborator Platform provide alarms for flagged unauthorised actions to automatically trigger an alarm e.g. send a message to the supervisor or console. 

Operating & Administration

The Collaborator Platform provide automated network client installs and upgrades. The Collaborator Platform support remote administration. The Collaborator Platform provide varying levels of System Administration. The Collaborator Platform manage the system from a single point of administration as well as in a distributed hierarchical environment. The solution support load-sharing techniques on infrastructure components (e.g. F5). The Collaborator Platform provide for system production management information reporting, e.g. statistics, system use, system status, system capacity, etc. (NOTE: this does not refer to audit information). The Collaborator Platform provide for management reporting regarding audits. 


The Collaborator Platform provide the following functionality:

  • Back-up and recovery features

  • Back out /forward recovery


The Collaborator Platform allow only authorised individuals to back-up and remove audit records/files from the system. The Collaborator Platform has a hierarchical functional subject File Plan structure across a network of distributed repositories so that the File Plan structure is consistent and complete. The Collaborator Platform has an integrated workflow engines. The Collaborator Platform have the capability to dynamically point to different databases at login and direct all actions to the selected database including imaging, indexing, viewing and workflow automation. The Collaborator Platform provide integration with e-mail applications. The Collaborator Platform provide SMS capability. The Collaborator Platform support diverse browsing devices including mobile phone.The Collaborator Platform provide fax integration.

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645 Jacqueline Dr, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042, South Africa

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